Viennese Tales | Concept
Innovative Formats and Narrative Strategies

How can the interested user be reached, regarding the all-consuming information overload? How can innovative formats be communicated which address the «user as a whole», with all his senses? «Stories help us to understand complexity. […] Common to all kinds of stories is the fact that they evoke concrete perceptions and that they address not only the intellect but also the sentiment, pointing out new ways of thinking and acting». [1].

By means of storytelling, the «Weana G'schichten» (Viennese Tales) communicate the sensation of a media culture in which the user becomes the author, the consumer the producer and self-confident co-designer of his habitat. The concepts illustrate the fact that user-centered real-life-formats do not only create virtual possibilities, but also new economic, cultural and social realities, which are to be designed co-creatively with a corporative perspective.

[1] Reinmann-Rothmeier, Gabi|Erlach, Christine|Neubauer, Andrea|Thier, Karin (2003): Story Telling in Unternehmen: Vom Reden zum Handeln – nur wie? (Part 1). In: Wissensmanagement-Online (2003). Available at [as per 30 08 07, in German]